In 2020, Thornton adopted a new Comprehensive Plan to guide Thornton’s vision and expectations for its future. Within this Plan, Thornton made a commitment to secure a reliable, clean and safe water supply for our residents and businesses. And that is why Thornton acquired water shares in the Water Supply and Storage Company in the mid-1980s and obtained water court approval of our plan to bring the water resources needed to achieve our Comprehensive Plan for Thornton’s future.
In order to achieve Thornton’s objective to provide a reliable supply of water to meet the needs of its current community and to prepare for Thornton’s future residents and businesses, Thornton is building a pipeline and related facilities to deliver the water acquired in the mid-1980’s to our community in a timely, efficient, cost effective, and environmentally responsible manner.
…the following values have been, and will continue to be, reflected in how Thornton approaches implementing the Thornton Water Project:
The principles that guide implementation of the project are: